

LPrincess大约 7 分钟IELTSSyntax


0x01 主谓宾


I watch TV


  • 可以用中文说成被字句,成立则为主谓宾

  • 同时,主语,宾语通常是人和事物,谓语通常是动作

0x02 主谓


相对的主谓 —— 可以接宾语


You eat.

You drink.

绝对的主谓 —— 不可以接宾语


I sleep.

I swim


0x03 主系表(1)

# 系动词(连系动词) # 是字句



  • 名做表语

  • 形容词做表语

  • 介词短语做表语


She is from China.



0x04 主谓宾状

  • 副词一般做状语:描述动作状态的词语

  • 状语在中文之中通常放在动词前面,英文当中放在动词后面


I watch TV happily.

... happily


  • 可以用中文将状语缩回到动词前,如果逻辑成立,就是主谓宾状

  • 被宾语挤到后面去

0x05 主谓状

I sleep comfortably.


0x06 主谓宾宾


  • 并非所有的动词都可以造出主谓宾宾的句型,只有很少数动词才可以,这些动词具有这样一种特性,他们既可以接一个对象做宾1,又可以接一个内容做宾2

  • 对象是间接宾语,内容是直接宾语

  • 主谓宾宾可以分为原句和变体,主谓宾宾的变体,先将宾1和宾2交换位置,还需要再两者之间添加一个介词,常用的介词:to , for 等等

    • I teach English to Princess.
  • 判断方法:可以用中文都城某个对象的某个东西


    (1) Tech

    The teacher teaches them English.

    The teacher teaches English to them.

    (2) Show

    He shows me our location on the map.

    He shows our location on the map to me.

    (3) Give

    He gives his ticket to the woman at the desk.

    He gives the woman at the desk his ticket.

    (4) Send

    I'll send you a text message.

    I'll send a text message to you.

    (5) Buy

    He buys me a new coat.

    He buys a new coat to me.

    (6) Sell

    I sell my car to James.

    I sell James my car.

    (7) Read

    She reads us a story.

    She reads a story to us.

    (8) Ask

    He asks these students their names.

    He asks their names from these students.

    (9) Tell

    A high student can tell you this answer.

    A high student can tell this answer to you.

    (10) Sing

    You sing a song to us.

    You sing us a song.

    (11) Cook

    He cooks me lunch.

    He cooks lunch for me.

    (12) Pay

    He pays us the money.

    He pays the money to us.

    (13) Build

    David builds us a shed in the back yard.

    David builds a shed in the back yard for us.

    (14) leave

    He leaves $1 million to his daughter.

    He leaves his daughter $1 million.


    $: dollor

    €: euros

    £: pounds

    ¥: yuan


  • 宾宾与双宾不同,双宾是同一个类型(如:我学英语和汉语)

  • 大部分情况英文更喜欢原句

0x07 There be 特殊句型


1> have —— 拥有

2> There be —— 存在有

There be 句型用法

  1. 表示存在有,直接翻译成“有”就可以了

  2. 后面通常跟人或事物等名词结构,做类主语


There is a car in the park.

= A car is there in the park.

There is —— 主系表

a car —— 类主语

in the park —— 类状语

  1. 遵循一个原则:就近原则
  • 表示 be 动词的单复数,跟它挨得最近的物品保持一致
    • There is an apple and two bananas.

There is a restaurant around the corner.

There were policemen everywhere.

There have been some problems.

There were a lot of people at the party.

There has been a change of plan.

There must be a way round the problem.

There should be closer links between education and industry.

There may be some minor changes to the schedule.

There may be a link between the two murders.

0x08 主系表 2


  1. 主系表 2 是一系列表示感官的系动词,包括眼耳口鼻触内外感受

  2. 判断方法,见主系表 3

  3. 根据指向性,主系表可以有主体和客体之分

  • 主体:有感官感受的主体个体

    • I feel cold

    • The boy seems sad.

  • 客体:主语是被感知的客观物质;且不需要用被动语态

    • The water feels cold.

    • The story seems sad.


(1) Look

That looks an interesting book.

You look great (with your hair like that)(类状).

(2) Sound

His voice sounds stange on the phone.

His explanation sounds reasonable to me.

(3) Smell

The old house smells damp.

Dinner smells good.

(4) Taste

It tastes (like chicken)(合成介词短语做表语).

This drink tastes like whisky.

(5) Touch

The table touches old.

The sofa touches soft.

(6) Feel

Its skin feels really smooth.

My mouth feels completely dry.

I feel sorry for him.

(7) Seem

He seems a nice man.

It seems like a good idea.

0x09 主系表3


(1) Become

Health becomes big business.

The Internet has become part of everyday life.

(2) Turn

A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairtable.

She turns 21 in June.

(3) Get

He gets angry.

The boys get bored.

boring (本身)没意思

bored (感到)没意思

(4) Go 变化

This milk goes sour.

Her hair goes grey.

(5) Grow

This company grows bigger now.

The boys grow into men.


  1. 前四个系动词 become , turn, get, go 当它们的表语是形容词的时候,基本可以互换;当它们的表语是名词的时候,除了 become, 其他都可能要添加一个介词,比如 into

  2. grow 有生长,成长的意思,不仅可以用于生命个体,还可以用于公司组织等团体

  3. grow 还有逐渐变得,慢慢变得的意思

  4. 很多时候,依赖于惯用法


(6) Keep

The room keeps clean.

We must keep health.

(7) Remain

Most of the house remains intact after two hundred years.

These men remain silent.


  1. 主系表 3 是一系列的表达状态的系动词,包括变化和不变化的

  2. 判断方法:主系表 2,主系表 3 判断方法相同;可以把系动词替换成 be 动词,如逻辑成立,就是主系表 2 和 3

  3. 主系表 3,主系表 2 的系动词,除了做系动词外,也可以做普通动词

  • I keep long hair.

  • My hair keeps long.

0x10 主谓宾补

跟主谓宾宾一样,并非所有的动词,都可以造出主谓宾补的句型,这种动词通常有 2 种情况

  • 第一种:驱动型动词,比如把使让

  • 第二种:非驱动型动词,比如发认当


把 I make the cake big.

使 I make him happy.

让 I make him a boss.

发现 I find the cake big.

认为 I consider him happy.

当作 I treat him a boss.

宾语是补语的逻辑主语,也就是意思上的主语,而不是结构上的主语(在宾语和补语中加一个 be 动词)

补语通常是形容词,名词,介词短语等结构,另外,有一些补语由 as 引导出来,成为宾语 as

  • I treat him as a boss.


  • 首先可以用中文说成,把使让发认当,同时,宾语是补语的逻辑主语,两者都要满足才行

  • 如果有状语,不影响句型。

    • I make the cake big now.

    • She became too worried now.


(1) 驱动型

  1. Have

C: 我很快就把那条鱼网在一个网上

I soon had the fish in a net.

in a net: 介词短语做补语

  1. Let

They let the dog into the home.

  1. Make

We made the place into a beautiful home.

She made him her assistant. —— 名词作表语

  1. Keep

She kept her money under the mattress.

  1. Turn

He turned the gun on himself.

The heat turned the milk sour.

  1. Get

She soon got the children ready for school.

  1. Call

They call the baby Mark.

  1. Name 命名

They named their son John.

  1. Color / Colour 涂颜色

He color a monster green.

  1. Leave

I've left my bag on the bus.

(2) 非驱动

  1. Find

The jury found him guilty.

  1. Consider

He considers himself an expert on the subject.

  1. Treat

My parents still treat me like a child.

(3) 宾补 as

You can use that glass as a vase.

They accept the risks as part of the job.

I really value him as a friend.

I class myself as an ordinary person.

He takes the enemy as his father. —— 认贼作父

He regards himself as a patriot.

She regarded herself as a musician.


  • 句型会受到语境的影响

    • 成分重叠:一个单词在同一个句子当中,可以又不止一种成分的理解
  • 不同的语法流派,对补语的界定不同

贡献者: L-mj0